Ingegneri Riuniti oversaw the drafting of technical improvements integrations on behalf of AeC Costruzioni (San Possidonio, MO) for participation in the tender concerning the construction of the new bridge on the river Panaro in the municipalities of Bomporto and Ravarino, in the Province of Modena. The proposed improvements scored high, helping AeC won the contract.

The project features the construction of a new bridge with a steel and concrete structure alongside the existing one, the arrangement of the junction between SP1 and SP2 roads to link up to the new bridge and then the demolition the existing bridge. The improvements concern the following points:
- System of illumination of the new bridge and of the relative adduction branches
- Mitigation systems of the impacts induced by the construction site
- Exterior restraint systems
The contract amount is EUR 3,365,550.55 for work and security charges.
See attached some photorealistic simulation images.