The construction of the new road between Via Della Repubblica and Via Bedeschi in the city of Reggio Emilia, for what is called the "Bretella di Rivalta", will continue until the end of 2023.
The project, for which Ingegneri Riuniti will follow the executive design and coordination in terms of safety and health, affects a strip of land with a high quality landscape, so much so that it has been declared of considerable public interest.
Inside, in fact, there is the "Crostolo Park" with its ducal factories: Reggia di Rivalta, Villa d'Este and Villa di Rivaltella or Corbelli.

The route was chosen according to the indications received by the Superintendence of Environmental and Architectural Heritage of Emilia-Romagna in order to ensure the protection of the natural beauty and landscape of the areas concerned.

The new road, about 600.00 ml long, will be crucial to reduce traffic flows, allowing to convey on the ring of the ring road to the south-east of the city part of the cars eliminating a significant volume of traffic from the town of Rivalta.

With regard to the design of the system dedicated to the drainage of rainwater, a hydrological analysis was carried out to determine the rainfall possibility curves on the basis of which the marginal elements (storm traps) were dimensionedthe conveying elements (ditches) and the final rolling tank. Before the transfer of rainwater to the natural delivery, it was planned to convey it to control points, to carry out a quantitative and qualitative treatment.
The executive project was published in Infraworks and this allowed us to present it to the client in an extremely effective way in order to evaluate all aspects of the work from infinite angles.