Riuniti Engineers was recently appointed in partnership with vdp Srl to carry out the activity of environmental consultancy in support of the technical structure of Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova, an Italian company that manages 146 km of motorway network (A4) with an average daily theoretical vehicle load of 95,000 units. The road towards Venice is called East, the one towards Milan West.

Each carriageway consists of:

Emergency Lane (wide. 3,00 mt.);

First lane reserved for normal gear (width. 3.50 mt.);

Second and third lane reserved for overtaking (wide. 3.75 mt.).

In the section of the A4 there are 121 overpasses, 2 tunnels per direction of travel (Monti Berici - Vi) 300 and 600 m respectively, 290 bridges and viaducts.

The consultancy activities carried out cover all areas common to each major transport infrastructure:

Construction of the works;

Study of acoustic impact;

Management of materials;

Environmental monitoring plans;

Studies of Environmental Impact;

Management and treatment of rainwater and hydrological aspects;

Landscape - environmental insertion interventions;

Drafting of procedure/ operational environmental instruction;

Technical review and update - regulatory procedure / operational instruction in use;

Support in the process of approval of the Company’s project;

Support at the Conference of Services relating to proceedings on sites within the competence of the Company;

Assistance to the Works Management or other environmental contacts in the construction site or site of the Company;

Analysis of the proposal by the Company executing the supply or variation in the work with environmental implications.

Project Synthesis

Year: 2019 - ongoing

Place: Brescia, Verona, Vicenza, Padova

Customer: Società per azioni Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova A4